00:00:00: Hi guys what's up and welcome to new episodes of trains Mod move well I'm just Philip Jacobs today's Episode soll about the job offer Stuntman
00:00:09: and am very honored to have Daniel ISO nesma yesterday Daniels and my path cross the first time at the Gallop Akoya dringend dann macht es am Ende ja
00:00:19: THE got me to asking him if you want to be part of this podcast of Trainspotting Welsh Daniel GSS insight into the job offer Stuntman he shares his crazy Stunts The Funnies Productions ist beim Paris
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00:25:46: seo how it is too late in the back country to the night Manager.
00:25:54: SLK Diesel aus.
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00:47:35: How to value list for Productions that are looking for somebody to set on fire they just talk to your mental Jakob in the north Adresse
00:47:49: addenda dass du mich various von Kalzifikation industriestecker like you were sorry you can you have
00:47:57: ja wenigstens silvester2k mömbriser.
00:48:01: Predigt antwortest du Jojo Union,
00:48:09: so jetzt habe ich mal wieder ja wieder keine Periode
00:48:21: Kapitän Freddy ice hockey.
00:48:29: Danke thank you I have passed away Topic questions a Bimini to you thank you for someone somewhere.
00:48:39: I'm giving me out I'm giving all listeners all time jng Monaco heterophoria off-topic personal questions die Montessori,
00:48:52: bei stewes von vorne mifavor Parkassistent hinten ausgesehen.
00:48:58: If you could call Tennissaiten Savannah Billboard solarworld.de.
00:49:04: Whatsappen zur DBS ist Phantasie have a podcast in Germany down on the thing two and the have the same question daran.
00:49:17: The most recent until I am hurt with with this week the beginning of this week I don't know.
00:49:28: Announce aufgehört girls only so much with them in coaching and Maude Nathan perform and make yourself better and jada jada jada authentis.
00:49:42: Witze.
00:49:43: Also Königswinter Rabatt Gemeinschaft Magic changes all the time.
00:49:55: Scala Kino in Walter sind das.
00:50:03: Edeka Ristow little things one direction,
00:50:10: Highlighter ohne Glitzer allgemein UserData November that more often ist der how do you say that in Icelandic.
00:50:20: Anderen die Tatsache which form of art would you like to be good at.
00:50:29: I would like to be good music really enjoy music
00:50:37: experimenting with some DJ Roshan girlfriend Juventus Jacke.
00:50:53: Na OP mal Midlife-Crisis Johnson insta.
00:51:02: Maybe a bow down you between of being able to to play an instrument is there something on my wish Agentur bei digistore Nettetal am von Musicals,
00:51:12: Fitnesscenter ja maybe later guitar chords one day when life hits,
00:51:22: thank you again for giving us to Pakistan Geringas insight into into your life in INTO where how it is to be a Stuntman
00:51:33: fmylife world from you please take the time now say that the people are together can find you if you want to be found in the network.
00:51:45: By the way learn to say thank you the smile on the part customisation.
00:51:57: Messe spielen Talstation in Twistetal.
00:52:08: Waren in meinen Armen parbuckling Kindergeld Papa.
00:52:20: Nein aber fair and I open book go ahead and and you that this guy guys okay
00:52:27: thank you manage to have you this podcast Antoine listeners thank you for listening on the way to the end and giving us some of your precious time allotted to hearing you again soon n1000 trains Martin Luther.
00:52:39: Music.