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00:00:00: Hello and welcome to a new episode the train Smart move Podcast meinem Silvia God's not like to welcome you molteno zu

00:00:07: thank you for giving me some your precious time and listening to this Episode where have Andreas lorenzen es my guest Andreas ist ja eh Physiotherapie

00:00:16: von Kopenhagen der marcuard really appreciate 1 Pack for what he's doing a time in this episode it is all about pain Song.

00:00:24: Real do your best to look at pain from MRT factorial perspective so in the beginning with a little bit about the definition and.

00:00:34: Train attack new understanding of what actually pain is and we figured that pain is not necessarily with the sign of.

00:00:42: Structural tissue damage but sometimes I can even occur without,

00:00:47: eni structural damage and we talk about pain and rooms of how can be affected and modulated by so many different factors are just the central and peripheral nervous system oder so

00:00:59: schütten social Meister actress we talk about the biopsychosocial model of pain and so many within the final space and time they really lyrics what,

00:01:10: more about pain and how to understand it for myself brother V2.

00:01:17: Navigate and help clients when they are dealing with pain and really think any hope that you at home.

00:01:24: Oder hast du Games Hamburg vermisster bis audible on something and keiner Bewerbe Berry skills at entrance of how to deal with pain when are the next time in your life you're dealing with.

00:01:34: Soda vordere du weißt es gibt es darling.

00:01:36: Music.

00:01:49: Reithmann your name my name is Andreas lorenzen your favourite movie.

00:01:58: Oh david be von how it would be to the morning,

00:02:04: nineteen 1 to Tempelbau August living in Copenhagen Andreas modifiable Connor Ranch,

00:02:12: your hate exercise in the weight room of the Gangster Squad Buckingham,

00:02:23: original regular high Bar squat strength wars.

00:02:31: Maler Strings training with just don't try Matrix,

00:02:35: entwendete take place this Saturday is it yourself.

00:02:41: Sunday Bloody Sunday market report of the question what that I have for breakfast this morning.

00:02:51: Lies dies days am having TreeNode oatmeal.

00:02:55: Gesetzt really fast when you have a daughter with a crack in everything Marina Barcelona.

00:03:02: Das Öl quick and efficient merryweather GTA Andreas welcome to train Smart vivality vermiete heavy on the podcast after you have,

00:03:10: bravely Arthur des Radio Javan und collectionneur 5 questions that may be jealous in a few sentences are you are you doing unlike what is happening life right now.

00:03:21: Erstmal ein Ei

00:03:24: Fishers Paradise by profession and then I have without taking a masters in physiotherapy

00:03:35: amastris from the University Sorbonne University of the market in the name of sound recorder for steam

00:03:45: use which is where we are Tour 1965

00:03:50: soll ich da Gewitter Generoso been doing all kinds of your words ending with a

00:04:00: wird oft Kung Fu but my main interest lies days in the course of physiotherapy just just you know nun das Madison and having a big interest in learning pain pain mechanisms in

00:04:15: religious trying to understand the people coming from train 2000.

00:04:21: Evil within three for pain in the chronic right now I'm working at Connect new Copenhagen killing with relationship patients which is the game.

00:04:35: Sexy Verhältnis Cinebar have the pleasure of also being able to work in a heated model space and soul eigene Swimmingpool.

00:04:48: Which is true everything is a part of different Menus Controlling piduhn Herten so that the night.

00:04:59: My girlfriend and my daughter orange Uniroyal the Gathering,

00:05:07: gasiorek endet the Gathering

00:05:10: Petterson Andreas pain and how to define pain how to understand pain and how to use it and work within this is the final act the biggest Jungle podcast episodes wie vor wie das Internet,

00:05:24: Julius selfpublisher the couple of injuries and you yourself have been living experience in pain and you may say I'm,

00:05:32: do you maybe want to tell us a couple of anarchy oder stories about how,

00:05:39: ja you first Touch up on this topic and maybe it develops into you being so interested in and Pudding Dessert the major focus in.

00:05:47: For you personally and royal JP fashion ja schön.

00:05:53: Möchte Starkl wherever I can you just randgesellschaft definitely have some personal experience with the Rhino injury and pain

00:06:03: back the way back when you know you studying Physiotherapie Discus im Mai 2014,

00:06:10: Mami aus really way into.

00:06:16: Org 1 übrigens genau David Beach Poncho.

00:06:22: Oh kein Single Coil energy Staffel von The Kung Fu driving the world with the wind of change that don't break all the stuff

00:06:37: eine Eistorte Porsche with the most overlooked thing in this idea that everyone wants having Dream makers.

00:06:46: Der Herbert Austria next big thing with my hair and son Goku real people using Sunpoint

00:06:59: an Social Media Schule ist somebody Challenge Song mai bei Kindern Einkommen sections and body challenge - like drawing

00:07:08: the things is in my face and the making very Berry Sound all humans and son with the feeling that wasn't very nice.

00:07:17: Drei Kunden really all documents drivers making kämpfen personal experience in the wife.

00:07:25: Ne my story second guessing why I was doing what is doing all the way into you know like.

00:07:34: Looking evidence-based practice physiotherapy describing I can identify the resinat with run.

00:07:46: Jo and higher belief system is just being ripped apart,

00:07:51: Erhard make you feel like wassertester ok S4 front wheel to the one to run discordia the way of the beauty Casa familia.

00:08:04: Ja sorry gelsi Rosso hat Akquisition in the stomach and you know the song is the definition of being cognitive dissonance in overcoming the descendants is almost a physical feeling of being.

00:08:15: Leica nanananana song is from having you write the correct way from you.

00:08:22: Mir bisschen angestiegen weiblich ovo bis es worden ist

00:08:25: Nike change in the prime Ideals are there I am using nice you have to do something to the real estate

00:08:37: you want many points and then you have to accept that on the run you can't stop looking for some,

00:08:44: Morak tritt Endres impressions

00:08:47: totally to just give me like one random and not so big example but when I started studying in my Bachelors und in Sport science aus der Fleet hot like this mechanical advantage and keeping of being saved by lifting the Great Wall Street

00:09:04: Schweiz bei Nancy Reagan show that you don't go too much into lordosis am Rhabarberblätter giftig

00:09:12: und auch Post das Auto oder EvoBus preaching and practicing and

00:09:16: when the the the the Dance came up that this may be entirely tritt keine Flüssigkeit after real Jaén bestes Hosting Shopping control with something

00:09:29: bytecamp machst du dieses an whatever in space practice within physiotherapy is now you're the physiotherapists.

00:09:38: Emma Nico Konstanz covid-19 you keine have to take a stance on whether or not to.

00:09:46: To take it in all through the way and that that I know there's just something that you can't really throw away because there is all the data is so clear.

00:09:58: Bertie changes the whole picture about how mechanisms work so well Chamber lifting with around the spine maybe the mechanism von

00:10:08: being introduced in the range 2 1 nach Pikachu lifting Transport Pikachu XI Ding utility,

00:10:16: in der Apotheke oder in anderer Mini factors affecting the same experience with pain pain not just being you America,

00:10:25: being something does not just in your body and your thing thing that everything's coming up.

00:10:35: There are actually many many many systems Anbau PIN PIN.

00:10:41: Kyburg neuroscience is coming for doing your research Bad.

00:10:47: Neue Maus lies Wohnungen Kisten looking into how the brain works when subjected to pain and just how people the power that experience and the thing.

00:11:00: Kurort cavalry of chronic pain suffering Vaude experience everyday and how their experiences of the pain da keine the meeting with the dead data MMM dead evidence,

00:11:15: keine Change Mayrhofer Stellenangebot Physiotherapie was gesagt.

00:11:26: Ja Tommy dürfen Roboter one of the very important aspects that I would like to talk about the USA without which is like.

00:11:35: Differentiating between was ist das Call of the olden rather than you more than they may be used to think of pain as.

00:11:45: I've been correlated to structure damage so

00:11:48: my back hurts okay my lover who knew that the score Apolda Masse hear that we have pain or may Minister Porno Partys wenn Marvin my money is turning like this is Knight Rider oldschool,

00:12:02: believe IZA and Arnold render past five o Danny ursus Wehrli

00:12:09: new evidence is more looking at it from this with different perspective 1 Oslo.

00:12:16: Looking at other aspects of pain in the neck of the buyer Seiko social model Soulsänger 2001 Truck train your body the can affect the way that you feel pain that you experience Penis so many other layers to it,

00:12:30: MNS think you can Babyjacke Wasser RAM Definition in understanding as to what the curious.

00:12:39: Wir dürfen uns nicht da auch mother is based of the Kino René Descartes the Franchise-System plastification for pain Franziskaner.

00:12:54: Tödliche Studienakademie between you know the body on the brain Original the soldiers.

00:13:03: Ich will make someone people AccuWeather Family the rose Song so you know that you are you have the the the the the the pain coming from the brain so.

00:13:15: The painting Jolie based.

00:13:19: In the body and not not not not not something das Paradis x-perience you you I know.

00:13:29: Hihi secure is the first digit yesterday Paint by the taking the brain on this is the way back when

00:13:36: Emily habe bei Strecke so schon mal ruhig ist ein Fink maybe train story without even RAS real Wildau

00:13:46: and today the the the definition of the coming sun 1P which is the International Association

00:13:54: finde stadius Teresa

00:13:57: an updated definition of Spain which is not present century and emotional experience associated with or is something that associate with Echo

00:14:08: Olpe Tenchu tissue damage calculator let's get down Reaktivität USA verlässt NATO,

00:14:19: es ist anpissen century and emotion rixgens.

00:14:24: This takes into account the emotion of the century Park then if we bring back to the back of your mother bei OBI in the body Seiko.

00:14:34: Bilder Seiki the Eco experience with the experience of moving you and then the social Party witches.

00:14:44: How you explain yourself in regard to the world and how the world of you drive around you on the time to sensory Motion Xperia,

00:14:57: disc 1 in capsules Darko bei Sakkos autoconcept and.

00:15:04: Ist es so shape with or is something that associated with so in it is directly linked to.

00:15:14: Ohr.

00:15:16: Ascendance of what is actually happening when you're happy europten Schultasche damage to you can have pain and not have any damage lol pinledges resembles.

00:15:31: What it might be like if you had a show all that you can see it in this definition even not short is very Berry.

00:15:42: Roche jetzt,

00:15:44: er hat jetzt auch bringen sondern Flair Toledo is anyone that pain is always a person which dreams

00:15:53: jetzt in Providence bearing degrees bei Prof biological psychology and social factors

00:16:02: writing wieder probiert good place to store living and giving some examples of what that could be in regards to pain.

00:16:11: Yes yes I do just something in your mind or should I go with the four key points of the other modern paymorrow

00:16:18: kingo root with the four key points David birgit PlayStore das war ja

00:16:25: würde sie einen Penis asmr of auf damage Penis,

00:16:32: anerkjendt measure of what is going on in tissue that means that the pen is mightier than the waves.

00:16:41: Festival.

00:16:43: We go back to the to the actual same mistake with in the jungle is probably the most.

00:16:53: Anne Steinborn relatable thing for people to village at the disco.

00:17:00: Bis wann Ingo sagt in Paint Ex, das Internet keine escalates Apple twenty-four hours

00:17:12: Two three days Stories Canon battery pack and birth weight on the foot

00:17:17: Ende pain keine gratuit face and you can't Store using only memory usage we have the the the the the Simpsons this one goes down to does the pain again the story regaining in Monschau.

00:17:31: You're the reason derryberry.

00:17:35: The script NABU the source of pain YouTube Django Django small strain.

00:17:44: Penninger what keine structure effect attack and maybe have some.

00:17:52: Bist du pain from Baby to three months Reconnection theory three months with the jurablick Effekt ligament.

00:18:02: Riemerling Peine,

00:18:06: bin dann wo ich sowas recklinghause Cypress Adelige Mendig bingbing Leopard,

00:18:12: wanderkanadier Naturjoghurt the painted Offset Seite Baden-Baden imagine that you used to having pain in the rain Gordon Derby simpsons descanso much you think so what.

00:18:25: Orthopädische Praxis tututu dive into it from from a totally MC movie prospective

00:18:34: Your entry of the ewr-internett that that made my entry hatte New Jersey new Enkel ist rimensberg ende des trainings taken place is running is gone now and from a physiological prospective and turns off.

00:18:47: Structural alignment of college in my everything you like and everything is fine,

00:18:52: basically wollen wir Say ok Leonardo anymore LK you don't have pain that there is there some cases we do have pain and back to see you there are many Meran.

00:19:06: Rechtsanwalt Videos take the nervous system is this system is very famous Physiotherapie swisscable TS.

00:19:14: One of the biggest proponents of axially understanding.

00:19:19: Basic neurology and Neuroscience Jordi in the scars to sing what happens.

00:19:27: If we have something that is adapted on all that is having pain after Stream in the moon the injury is YOU kornkoog.

00:19:37: Is an adaptive response to an angel,

00:19:42: schaue keine Stollen looking at what were in your system in the nervous system the most used Linux system where is,

00:19:53: something louder than everything can happen in the dreams ein Abszess inbetween Nerf Songs,

00:20:00: damit beendete refrigerante

00:20:03: enjoy some noise can be facilitated NMR database ending music like you used to the brain that there is something wrong even though the entry Maiberg Schulbild

00:20:18: Janina Kino central mechanisms of the central nervous system like you know your brain.

00:20:27: New brain and how the central nervous system is recognized is very much affected.

00:20:33: Buy use the present how you relate to this situation is happening the way we have a.

00:20:41: Stavanger

00:20:45: went up the run and pretty fast if I didn't really have a big Emotion reaction

00:20:54: er ist jetzt recreational runners back up and running maybe after is just you know do is not yours is not part of the whole life.

00:21:05: With one with the ocean of the sea within everyday they come in Heaven entry

00:21:11: they do the exercises together by themselves because of you and they they just get on the right there I really good Kobra and the other people that they can be.

00:21:24: Beste Steak in Afrika someone just awesome essence in this context of the USA.

00:21:31: Competition coming this is auf season mit Restaurant kolhapur first machine for months or two months and then you know you have a lot of thanks.

00:21:44: That's been oder eine Chance to get better.

00:21:48: So manchmal Steak ob er jetzt singt das steckt in you have your identity is the person I say is that the circle Manchester

00:21:57: also Attacke and you really go to the right foot in you trust your life than this weekend League von geständige nexo

00:22:05: polnische Post Leopoldstraße ultimate you can really it's raining the costumes for all the time you wake up in pain the day I just are getting more more nervous

00:22:16: ändern bei monstri like everything we love you we still have pain

00:22:21: this is a healthy person with me no comorbidities like being overweight cardiovascular disease smoking

00:22:31: Enya the things so the way you experience reentry all you pain is also affecting the nervous system.

00:22:40: Schon we have a strong emotional reaction to something with respect to the nervous system is nowhere.

00:22:51: Measuring what's going on.

00:22:53: Also wieder so interesting genauso maybe I count one to this because you might think Hey this is an athlete is the Spire human being

00:23:01: that does move data strain on a daily basis that I should be able to corporate because of which is pointed out in High Heels at the small things at stake and how does his entire life is and hang around his ankle Walking sorry can do this world

00:23:16: Boris Boris ist es hatte ja gerade Rom

00:23:22: Well testing for depression to be able to get back in the small pressure in the things that they have to go with as opposed to may be the one to the crown of the drinks to be with his colleagues After Work and is not really,

00:23:36: zu Volleyball Exec when is the way that you know where the.

00:23:43: The nervous system Intrepid alway Intrepid defence Situation sorry something dangerous.

00:23:50: Äußert Nassau erinnert MMA without the response would be.

00:23:56: Birkenstock moving gegangen Countdown weekend function without moving again the painted side anmeldet Tipp

00:24:05: Interpretation what's going on und be somebody who you know katastrophal this is not the world within silence airconcept original Slim psychological Joshua

00:24:18: Itachi vs in meaning the story the twisted my ankle and then you and your cat

00:24:28: i know I'm going to lose my house my partner Maikäfer und Geldmenge Coworking

00:24:37: nudges Transfers stressed out System ab Januar sympathetic nervous system tears goes into in Overath remote-ordner of the the

00:24:48: Pain fallgriff disable we have some species specific Cypress work really good at delivery note that 70007 pain so you know stretch-frösche sheet.

00:25:02: Chemical reactions strong information the surface get instead of getting inherited from me not the person that you visit the mask coming down doing the galaxy beasties

00:25:15: habe ihn distance between the possible starting in the simple physics ist und Videos capacitated.

00:25:22: Even though it's an emotion angels response is very much in the logical at the same time the thing that the ugly.

00:25:32: Beginn to rumble Picasso love is yours also just.

00:25:37: Austrowetter bayerischer Kuscheltier mal bei Singapore Song it's just an experience this takes away the hole.

00:25:46: Body paar Socken Review chronic pain and pains to Sony Max and the magic in the concept of.

00:25:56: It's about dealing with depression and relation to their own body in pain and how the system Intrepid Center Tabs,

00:26:05: Puhdys denkst aber going on within the desperate so we've learned that pain is say.

00:26:15: Measure of damage sometimes but not necessary all the time with this land of pain is modulated by the killing of things are we now getting tooth wow

00:26:25: time Sorten important factor maybe we can this is on the living dead 2 against each other

00:26:33: Tuesday maybe at the beginning of when you to the jungle vs when it actually develops into chronic type of pain and my question old to you would be.

00:26:46: Komme physiological prospective negesti answer is yes because I just talked about the differences and Rihanna then everything is there

00:26:55: das hunting change Physio Logic way back when actually your acute pain Schüler wenn ich bei deiner develops into in to chronic pain so that we may be different way between wollte Secupay novo das chronic pain.

00:27:10: Ja

00:27:14: Lucky Patcher ist heute kannst du distinction is the little ist Talking Morbach

00:27:23: beschissen pay now it would be connecting to say that this is the painting something that this process we have different now we have a lot of connections between runs in our body.

00:27:37: Einen anderes System.

00:27:39: Soll man diesen around the Tor oscillating information about what's going on in that they the twist again, again or in Henry Dunant.

00:27:53: Quaderpressen Tina the Cisco central sensitization the the the Pipers oder nur als error burning series Korean.

00:28:08: Getting bombarded with colored pencils.

00:28:14: Internat propain TecnoPro say because it's a simple thing on the resource in pain that this could be found from information center,

00:28:26: the swelling going up the the the the the this is the space within the jungle Picasso.

00:28:32: Oder the animals going on because this the rush of love that going on Smoothies torments Steak and soldiers switch on.

00:28:46: Mandev Swatch Damen,

00:28:48: Dave is the thing even more pictures the thing about this is that it's very hard for them to go Download again

00:28:58: kommt be torment and now they keine you know lyrics that fire together wire together the world without this

00:29:06: also is very sensitive neurons in irgendeiner relaying what's going on.

00:29:14: Or trying to understand what's going on in bianco so when the pain stops being accused.

00:29:22: Länderinformation heißt sided research registriert regaining function of anarchy in the paint process.

00:29:31: Sometimes in most of the time it's a question of.

00:29:39: Alatas neuroplasticity the has happened in the build path of pain Song nervous system that changed 1 now more than that is true.

00:29:51: Was die Mylady Zitronensaft double to ja interpret sollten CSSR Spain,

00:29:59: ja der Basic witches more seconds pink Sand,

00:30:04: every second row and Lena nomentano Moment like working good to be Peniscola Denia.

00:30:16: So something does nothing for 1 shot me pain vs ist Cisco Child Enya anywhere hypersensitivity which is why you know you go TuneIn Radio youjizz

00:30:27: with the jungle you going to do the fraction Sabbioni Travel beyond two Toast

00:30:33: von many people dark ambient countries by Joey Verteidigung ändern ist Justin Wallpaper grande-duchesse,

00:30:40: wenn ein Hobby genauso Sie dieses Spektrum you like some people this is the name moment can be.

00:30:49: Nanping for and since maybe not that uncountable.

00:30:54: Mazda Lietz dairy & Company Spin for some people ist Android.

00:31:00: Und kommt der Bananenspinne. This is the decision to import and conceptual in den geständigen pain that something is something slow data.

00:31:12: Norman oben something for regular grub-install was on the war on come to go before anal extreme MapInfo hypersensitivity.

00:31:22: Absam Person Anekdote this in this to use the bridge for for complexity and also expectation and winds of Hartlauer Belize,

00:31:35: effektive experiences wearing of pain of you just talked about how.

00:31:41: Sollten movements Oran entangled that we David

00:31:46: der engage into the rain been obtained for some point but Event Charlie day they are painful in this is how how TOS formicarius back after having Fallout Truhen intensivsten Coaching Song

00:31:59: Ausbilder wenn ihr direkter timepicker sei Vikings with my volume of my hands from thirty minutes to recall the word to understand when you thought there is this,

00:32:08: Bananas deine da bin me after one day of training Assinger couldn't even Lift my arms around my head anatomy really long time to travel von led ändern

00:32:20: kannst du Nord 1 hombressen Bad

00:32:22: Wer ist close to being completely painfree as I've ever been said that we going well that's nice but I know now also looking like that.

00:32:31: Simple movements in out is like being in the kitchen and then reaching for that last part in the Covenant.

00:32:38: Eher eine Biene wegen der Car driving the steering wheel in the switching back to get my feet but on the activities of daily living and

00:32:47: they do nothing to you all of the sudden because anything that's some related to having your hands above your head is now.

00:32:55: Ja creating new pain even though cineform structure perspective nothing wrong,

00:33:01: and I think because I found myself to to that 10 kg Fall is my head up this way in the right turn my sweet but don't know.

00:33:11: With you Payne 3 yaxley Fell Paintball live Norderney.

00:33:17: Should have ever told myself this may be okay Avia riders of you having.

00:33:27: Simpsons Thai Station to just no no no man's Sky mn

00:33:34: the best thing about expectation ist auch so we go back to like this that then you press the city of the system and how you won't start wire together and the story getting excited.

00:33:48: Within every move on to expectations we can have her and expectations of movement speed Paintball.

00:33:56: Ein wunderschönes New York Info week 1 just.

00:34:00: Springsteen the connections between those new ones that hard to get around the wind sensitized The Weeknd orange is the most in the host system.

00:34:10: It is then reacting even more Image keine Waage Demo switch,

00:34:16: und keine turn up the volume or the like something is the right and everything this thing we are happy in a way you don't have the ability to

00:34:28: Candidämie Switch aus anderes schicken

00:34:35: We have to work with expectation of watch Korean.

00:34:43: Averages Copa one step back to time to say the week we did the the the physiological

00:34:50: cheering up what's going on Songtext because I had the ambition to be back and always the ones

00:34:59: anbei der Timer wanna be able to cinema and again and of course it did not work so I continue er so you the time is very important because swxz Bett Limit

00:35:12: the relationship between what's going on in this issue and what's going on in the relation to the actual,

00:35:20: eine Gefühl ist gering lässt bitte geboren Motorrad

00:35:25: and that means that you're actually you have some new view the magnificent bekommen

00:35:35: Soja big and bigger reactions.

00:35:38: Techno to what's happening and your logical and physiological zu Bury Bury my new T-Mobile.

00:35:47: So you're my everything and you will never be the same.

00:35:53: Ist Tätowieren Workspace scaring the note with you beautiful the fantastic never be the same so Justin let my new,

00:36:07: Defensive to healing Handy resources are you feeling.

00:36:13: Den Autisten moving Dateien go on moving geschaut reserving erste having this entry Hattingen beautiful night because for concern kornkoog Familiensystem der.

00:36:26: Meine Gang.

00:36:29: Spiele get expectation bischofshut heißt very much into the social path of pain, we talk about what's going on the way we start to.

00:36:41: Eron

00:36:42: Mercedes Johanna may have no idea how lyrics between you and you want to hypothesize Iris du Soleil the new

00:36:52: redsama the this injury color looks like this new style

00:36:56: Talking Heads. Ibo i don't Instagram Orizon alekos about how to do you get in expectation of

00:37:03: bei dir falsch fahren ist Oracle how do this exercise therapy at this point in the future and will probably be.

00:37:11: Mord in Friedenau

00:37:15: Anime hair Beauty Store talking to people space Stories thank you do the things to do California weiß und Dusche keine Bilder Backpack patients in Oslo

00:37:26: say to the man going to do this together makeup

00:37:32: Shirtjacke mit mit Schwarte Pieper so now they know that you working with that the century cannonbolt eneuro Situation dispersal lautsprecher

00:37:42: and you can help people with this like this is because I'm really you telling you have

00:37:49: Viva tempus schalte einen chillingham einen History New Era hat sämtliche Mercadona precio nearly new query for the support the show aspect of pain

00:38:02: in this great expectations and the great great worry and anxiety what's going on it's it's basically during with.

00:38:16: Expectations.

00:38:19: There are based in reality that's the most important things about dealing with pain in YouTube im Bauhaus Lörrach.

00:38:28: Education on hoping beginners upwork because the new story having different expectations to how your reality sütlac.

00:38:37: Ottenlock Sponsoring so that they used to happen every three months.

00:38:44: New Start wearing every time you reach for something in the coupled because I have this making this package this is more painful

00:38:54: during Youtuberin die stockware an Angi an Leykam & Trading malt damage.

00:39:00: Ein Tattoo Geschwister Edeka Regisseur van Dyk let me be your Queen damage in this is.

00:39:07: Just my body standing me through that.

00:39:11: Diese seinem Kampf Globus Situation daran andere Nürtingen so.

00:39:18: All the cross the Beatles you sleeping too little and you something within the times von Inuits ist komplex breaking news on the,

00:39:29: Myriam reasons why you can't have pain without it Coursing world damage.

00:39:34: News deutsche change your expectations used to worry less you can talk to move

00:39:40: bist du nicht willst Eric setting that you can't move with pain in the game changed because I can't stop this feeling somebody's very important structural changes.

00:39:51: Battlenet getting from being living in Möbel

00:39:56: century from having pain syndrome having play this is the evil circle of trading E-Mobility century people,

00:40:06: and having them not move and having them not participate in the things that they love which is the diary.

00:40:15: Big in important for the social aspect of things and the participating in things that you love doing is like,

00:40:25: the best Paint already günthardt,

00:40:28: wann kommt dancing you forget about you painted love you talking to people to play Play bezahlen,

00:40:36: House of vaping girl with you talking to people you out in the open the sun is shining and taking this way von people.

00:40:48: Like you are so great in expectation auf andere Konto return to the rain on this pain is keeping me from.

00:40:56: Schöningen ja ja du wolltest example is still think it's been practice out here in the end Summer orthopaedicum

00:41:04: tausend Sünden in Germany is when somebody has a herniated disc and in the get is this week only gelber Schein da Cristiano sheet of paper Stayokay Johannes Apostel ist Antikythera über wechat.

00:41:19: Ja educating yourself or someone else with pain and helping them to understand.

00:41:26: PAIN might not be a dog passenger orders Kors Portemonnaie Kette Recruiting Center body is a thing really important in the something I have.

00:41:36: Ja moin more incorporated in in my Workout so with with my parents,

00:41:45: Katja powerful to when people ein Auto all myself learn that Hey this is my body telling me right now at this moment

00:41:54: it's it's not good situation on my current

00:41:56: Herpa city is is is not ready for that movement things at this is not forever ein einmaliges Turner be there and have to take a step back in a world within the defined range of motion with less Loader Annette von enckevort,

00:42:09: track and trade like my personal Kompression.

00:42:14: Unruhigen Netti experience movement AnyConnect pawsitive experiences and self-confidence and slowly App

00:42:24: by step by step and are the one for paper by Joe Cocker it's about increasing your capacity step-by-step musically revolution of every musculoskeletal injury that you have this is is what you have to do Manicure.

00:42:38: Able to to hättet Fineline in intensiv increasing your Camper city to the extent that you wanted to be with you happy again running up playing football with spring Beton with your body and then that's why you why you wanna be

00:42:53: rising Thierry hirtenjohann am craving Passerelle experience is because I think Familien Physiotherapie that's the most important Parfumerie

00:43:03: Bahn.

00:43:05: I want to have a Fische therapeutic Alliance on why do exercises always have patience to things but I'm only just want to.

00:43:16: Great Pacific spaces Gesamthärte im Sortiment the Week ein lied is not sorry menace to be enjoyable,

00:43:24: Rania niedenzu anido story menace to be something that they remember and the dream and the one thing that is set.

00:43:32: Das mit dem smile insulation tut how to body works Europe works newspaper for waking the basic concept of graded exposure.

00:43:44: Excel Nachdenkpause Thermoflex United concept is being used.

00:43:52: Too much are just you know that the mechanical taste of the dreaming of the present sorry we started looking at.

00:44:01: How do I create new positive experiences U2 there is also coming from changing expectations.

00:44:09: Soared in in der in der Sack Discounter expectancy violation

00:44:16: zuweilen expectancy meaning that you have any given expectation of having pain when everything will change not alone Bett,

00:44:28: intensity the volume the language you Lisa and Mary Pudel something unusual so we can have you sneeze Karolina Burger.

00:44:41: Englisch wir können lässt ein Hercules pain no pain.

00:44:46: Wer ist in and of itself in expectancy violation bottosso.

00:44:52: Keine Great Depression Intuos perspective of all I can restore.

00:45:00: Moving and stealing from myself I can take ownership or doing infectious paludis concepts of trying to move into,

00:45:11: pain in the summer graded Männer

00:45:14: noids ist Rohrbacher habe gefragt wo meinen in many ways when you start to learn about the right thing is very important with music special

00:45:24: antico and use it to great personal experiences Archive Japan,

00:45:32: Annett not of complexity and expectation and then you're having that within the story Mercedes jedem on the weekend and the Potters wahrer surface of the station and they they should ever possible experience ja Medi contrary to that.

00:45:48: Sometimes it might even be necessary to work with pain in Ableton

00:45:55: any salt and pepper Regisseur for me personally patata turn of the sea is one one thing that I'm really looked alot in to have added myself Europameister dieses about it am Rücken was quite some some people

00:46:09: deine having it and I'm one of the first things 3000.

00:46:12: Ist Dennis okay to work within pain as long as it's not exceeding AAA sollten threshold IMT this this kind of.

00:46:21: Ghost what's another aspect that wants to talk with you about witches,

00:46:24: exakt in Paint du bist super specific Inventar gebaute pain and exercise in empata Laternen of the sea but maybe no Module found where are you

00:46:35: habe you talk to people about also embracing that you have pain at this moment.

00:46:41: Ja es ist it very hard because when you speak to people who are living with pain everyday and you come as a present a physiotherapist

00:46:51: musical Sister oder wie hat accept your situation.

00:47:00: Think it is an issue of the teaching of going into a dialogue with people about.

00:47:09: Kino.

00:47:11: Ist der of tranquility pain which we we we have to go to the goal of the living.

00:47:20: Auffälligen satisfying life and not having the papers and the goal for.

00:47:27: Eine polnische Bewegungen zu new hair passion account should be two words that.

00:47:33: Bing SRF 1 Funktion live Nord Illumination pain that having.

00:47:40: Die passe des SV Casino dazugehörige meisten being able to meet you go to automatically

00:47:48: also against all trading Passerelle Xperia this is us part of cortisol Gucci Gucci i don't just give people a lot of experience is what they say but im Instagram having da

00:48:03: Pain also Focus installed Posten focusing on your thing the story that you have to accept the fact that.

00:48:12: In der Praxis IHP sie hatte keine exakte reality of.

00:48:18: 1 aus n kinogong back to the new physiology of the pain.

00:48:25: Bei düngen we can decrease.

00:48:29: Wie akut pain intensity and what's going on in the nervous system is the story and having some of this.

00:48:35: The reactivity series the story of the south The goldfinch a highway.

00:48:44: Oder nur an restart in Hebling dos with using or on more than the story mode in Deutschland Liste.

00:48:52: We were we have in Deutsch Guinness painkillers The Weeknd activate.

00:48:58: By doing Gangsta interessanter setting new system is one be accepting.

00:49:05: The the the the life lyrics,

00:49:13: ein you the exact mechanism.

00:49:17: Queenax Setting pain and then that you think going down I don't know there is some sort of comfort.

00:49:27: Wellness aspectu accepting.

00:49:30: The state your Uninstaller but instead of being stressed which is again activating the sympathetic nervous system junior,

00:49:40: Wer ist ein edel gern räsoniert with me also on that know that you brought up where with regards to hate is not that easy for me as a physiotherapist at my my my passion that lives in pain twentyfourseven the just accepted

00:49:54: wenn Button unten und die anderen auch so remember them last year of work and fall for you with with the Codecheck Gießformen von damak.

00:50:04: Ende Mai one of my main aims for our cooperation with two to get rid of shoulder pain back to.

00:50:12: Renault Penner dort necessary to seinem einzigen fotohaus everybody know the pain free and that's how I started and.

00:50:21: Wie hat Kors Avery vor Date minute Sunpoint even drop the rain maybe Philipp.

00:50:27: Jetzt auch so okay na to be incomplete painfree state

00:50:33: ja wir sind für schulische das aktiv Eishockey Torwart ist es war ja walking with you watch me get me von painted ignited deutsch

00:50:44: DHL after words in R with merit hinfort in today's couple of weeks later on upon a bit more for fashion and me having this in my mind that can change this,

00:50:57: black or white a tut a change this is this all that I want more to this would you describe early as

00:51:06: maybe it's okay to rather aim for.

00:51:10: Living in the feeling live we can do what you want to do in the building up on that and my eyes the day.

00:51:19: Looking back.

00:51:21: Coetzee myself developing wall to wall street the end of the spectrum Adam still like very Kino Jena.

00:51:29: Getting Bäckerei Hansen in doing things I couldn't be doing have you back jetzt going well.

00:51:36: To still have pain nh4oh 1 year in third movement sofort Ampel right now I can't really do a lot of Swing Song when I'm hanging es ist normal,

00:51:47: annisokay and might navigate back to Tubingen am Hanging absolutely pain free streaming.

00:51:56: Wird schweinefettpolster super nice and if not then that's all there can be with so many other things I can do is that my life is dependent on it.

00:52:05: Noah nice things you really really healthy way to project think it is about having possible this is what you know everything in your head on your ability.

00:52:20: To be able to hang in OneNote Johansson doing things the things you can do that your identity yours keine V support your your your identity the movie.

00:52:31: Keine Testino.

00:52:32: Doesn't doesn't sync with nice anything for many people living with persistent pain pain becomes part of their identity eine Person.

00:52:46: Kann Spain and therefore I cannot do extra cm to Alice all the things to put my pain away

00:52:52: sorry no pain Bekannten einen Techno part of your everyday and your identity on Ice Age letzter.

00:53:01: Setze,

00:53:03: weißt du denn so stressige bekasi keins ist identification with pain Harold

00:53:12: ihr einen lästigen Extrapost oder Listner 1 Monat repeat it three times you are not your MRI diagnosis ihr dessen den hat eine riesen weit ist so important is back cast

00:53:29: that the sky and the feeling that they can

00:53:33: actually to depression and anxiety and depression and anxiety is not going to help you get out of pain.

00:53:42: So we want to have people being mentally healthy as well.

00:53:48: There's something to do against acceptance and this is a basic concept in psychology and psychology Sport Juno,

00:53:59: being able to accept reality sms make you.

00:54:05: It's you more possibilities of living Bakery Story sing sing for what they are instead of

00:54:11: wishing for the cabinet keine openserver the road to recovery as well as you said that anyone thinks like into its okay.

00:54:24: Spring.

00:54:26: Häuser Hang because this things are definitely something that could add value to my life but now love the things that.

00:54:34: Der findet waz audio and just having a tired youth is having an,

00:54:43: an effect on pain in der pass away in which is the crazy people having people going to the mindset also really really hard anitec Swiss traction unisex Personal cronitex alarm introspection histoire

00:54:57: if you were on the black and white side of things.

00:55:03: Jan Fischer unlike asserted that didn't change of United Disney couple of weeks Tour.

00:55:09: Ja Telepoint forschur ok außen maybe.

00:55:17: Café lagom my very important bulletpoints we have we have some touched upon there is nothing left for you that you feel like this is original wanna get this out e-mail within,

00:55:31: try to conclude this and a little bit more but Radio exposure in Amazon happy for you if you want to to

00:55:38: to share maybe jetzt sonstige but is it like it top free tips okay this is the approach 1 like to give you my my patience when they started with

00:55:48: maybe this could help alles nass der David Angelique currently dealing with peggo Download.

00:55:57: Hirsche Aerobic Photonen aus what you would call o2 regulations Aubing able to relate yourself in the diamond da drin.

00:56:09: One thing I always take my patience is how they should relate to paint because I really want to be patience as little as possible

00:56:19: dürfen reasons it's taxing on the economic Clientis Taxi London

00:56:25: er will have to spend time with me and traveling and also have you really think so I wanna get people

00:56:33: out and living with wonder as soon as possible and natural accountable so what are you doing in the country list of regulated activities.

00:56:46: Unihockey Assistentin hat schon einmal der PIN.

00:56:52: Dazu pain is the good keiner pain das Wollny do too much swelling and there is in every action in the tissue solid say you have the pain.

00:57:03: NAC YouTube.

00:57:05: Du singst try going back into exercise to the exercise you love watch out with the hallowed.

00:57:13: What do you usually watch out for this.

00:57:16: As if you have pain during als ok you shouldn't go higher on the scale from zero to dance and being heißt and European,

00:57:26: der Solo ist in pink.

00:57:29: Balineros throw your hands and sing no pain no Mission gehalten 6,

00:57:39: escape from zero to Sixty in the new business xxp the the next we should be around for five.

00:57:49: Wie viel HP.

00:57:51: Und wenn das okay ist eriste pain heißen Abzug sided love you too or to have you trained.

00:58:01: When you're done too much.

00:58:02: Nanfro quick up in the morning having you know this this feeling ab Juni im Juni Harings rolling rolling stones of the heart.

00:58:14: You can't watch the important poikile ist Natsu.

00:58:19: way the exercise that you're doing it to school bag.

00:58:25: Show minimized alone again try different sets and Reps Skins

00:58:31: train at running before you go scoring the beast cycling will be there a possibility sorry I don't have this month reactive load when you wanna run

00:58:42: C notice scaling interkulturelle lading even know you happy Birthday one of the.

00:58:50: Best Chips licking gif to be bothered

00:58:59: ETD just open Zauberladen avenues for people just go to stuff without having someone is supervised Mode time Jessa 100% n.

00:59:09: It's so nice when you can't touch this

00:59:11: the skill of okay I did something it cost me pain that did not supplied within couple of hours and even state in the day after that doesn't necessarily mean the modern reddit is,

00:59:25: good or bad it may have just been a little bit too much so what.

00:59:30: Things can I do to modify it the duration that lyrics voices of the Dead Activity the intensity and times of how much weight you put on that paraview lifting

00:59:40: maybe the volume of robust u too much if you used to run into any case but at the moment you need this suffering from just you not too much maybe I have to do to time age Kelowna geschrieben das so

00:59:55: jedes it is up to you to us at that point in time 2.

01:00:00: Understand it and then work within it and downscale to what extent 3

01:00:05: drive to do A4 Weigand und sie understand this concept jetzt it's a very powerful tool and skills with RNN the it comes of course for the carrier switches.

01:00:16: With this is from the promise that we've been teaching people how to exercise all the people have the the needed experience to be able to.

01:00:28: To do exercise royas and not about you now you have to got to recuperate with you my heart you have enough calories jjipaul ist kein settings.

01:00:42: Thomann fret check out the basic Praxis that this would be the one of the maze Touareg analyzing.

01:00:49: 1 + 1.

01:00:55: Andreas thank you so much for this thing we've done enough for the.

01:01:03: Vor dir mir noch dass sie radical part in all their professional Partner Billpay maybe we will finish ab,

01:01:10: with our personal questions in den mehr oder du bei der Physiotherapie and in the end the access sinking about which you are reading this days.

01:01:22: Tara Fischer.

01:01:25: Fiction Rai Bilder AccuWeather deutsch you on this one day I haven't had we have ASME section of the last samy Fiction book 3 reddit is the story of a woman

01:01:39: the crew up in the media in the nineteenth Sixties in then she and her parents they flew into where and West Germany.

01:01:48: And it is time based on a true story on the other that wrote the book was was talking to her lot but I made it a little more.

01:01:56: Viktring NMS 1 oder 2 m thing itself as as close as it gets am afraid at the moment am.

01:02:06: Reading all of books about the personal development and the the the one that everything right now which goes Lil in their action is the let my people go surfing.

01:02:18: Er von der Zillertaler zum Hessing jetzt von der CEO of Patagonia,

01:02:25: Claudia in name of the author of the guy actually think I say something a great Jesteburg determining the about history of how.

01:02:37: Exitus wants to go surfing in climbing all the time but ventilierte Sametime ja came up with this cute friend of Patagonia and how I was always focusing on it.

01:02:51: Bei DC tried to make it is sustainable as possible and they know the brand and the company will on the planet anatomy enothek Apple watch Avatar the garden to the first church of arbeitet Erstaufnahme übersetze my sweet

01:03:05: Academy Gin the Briketts Wedding reading a book by the founders,

01:03:10: dass ich auch nie falsch war okay Andreas Dortmund for you do you get up immediately with the morning.

01:03:21: Mandiri is like is not defined as an Harringtons Nussbaum or is it just you now Wedding five minutes.

01:03:31: The final test hilding Businessplan actually okay Energie rennliegerad - Baden bei dir take a couple of minutes in in bed before you.

01:03:41: Ja is like you there is or there is something that I wake up wake up.

01:03:49: Zoe wie alt ist gerade wake up.

01:03:53: Bäcker Salzmann umbringt Trailer tomorrow morning because of horrible's Musik löschen bitte,

01:04:01: okay mein attack is so much for the time that you that you gave me and and all listeners Uhu Poly erkenne

01:04:09: can take something out of this episode last words Andreas did you want to get out there please do so ein Auto Keys if you want to hell is not know whether can

01:04:19: find you to Heaven of the questions and in this look in your content and whatever the.

01:04:27: The basic feeling I want people to you be love with this that.

01:04:33: Pain is always present and if you are a person in pain you not capable of dealing with yourself.

01:04:43: It is always always the right decision to go to the hop and go looking for help.

01:04:51: With people who are in there I can have sympathy for you Situation.

01:04:56: Of course people who are professional solongo looking for Sneakers aus Mesh body PHP get some help.

01:05:07: Lass mal was probably my mining message because too many Tiguan pain and gain the hauptmenü.

01:05:15: Das Büro von black you never want you to go someday Parkuhren in summer

01:05:24: zum psychotherapiestation Jugend follow me on Instagram on my Handel Jumping fish iontach JUMP iron.

01:05:34: Ist ja auch mit schwimmen unseren Shownotes Effect Rassen Andreas thank you thank you all for this note to hearing you back soon einen tollen Transporter movie.

01:05:48: Music.

Über diesen Podcast

Philip Jacobs ist Sportwissenschaftler, Personal & Athletik Trainer und Sportphysiotherapeut.

Er ist fasziniert von allem, was mit Training und Bewegung zu tun hat.


- gibt er interessante Einblicke in den Leistungssport durch Gespräche mit Athleten
- spricht mit anderen Coaches über spannende Themen in Bezug zu Training und Bewegung.
- gibt er wertvolle Trainingstipps und schafft Inspirationen in seinen Input-Folgen für seine Zuhörer

Philips Philosophie für die Zusammenarbeit mit seinen Athleten und Kunden:

"Ich werde dich dort abholen, wo du gerade bist und dann sehen wir, wie weit wir zusammen gehen können."

von und mit Philip Jacobs


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